BVS CA-GT Release Notes


Date: 2025-02-11

Type Description
Feature Added Encoder support for all BVS CA-GT cameras.
Feature The features 'mvMultiAreaMode' and 'ReverseX/Y' can now used simultaneously.
Feature The 'mvMultiZone' function, which enables different exposure and gain in one image is now available for cameras with SONY IMX Gen.4 sensors.
Bugfix Possible PTP1588 synchronizing error when the master clock device changes.
Bugfix Possible oscillation in image brightness when using AEC in conjunction with FPGA binning.
Feature The ReadOnly Properties mvTimescale and mvCurrentUtcOffset inform the user, which time base is used and, if it is TAI, which offset it has to UTC.
Feature mvPtpClockMode specifies whether the device participates in the negotiation which device becomes master (default) or is forced to be slave.
Improvement Using Exact Exposure Time for Gen4 Sensors.
Behaviour In MultiExposureMode the ExposureActive signal is now generated by the sensor.
Improvement Camera tries to restart itself after an under voltage event.
Feature Added support for GigEVision 2.2 standard for all BVS CA-GT cameras.
Behaviour Standard value of Bootstrap Register Discovery ACK Delay changed from 900ms to 100ms.

Release: 2.55.3663.0

Date: 2023-10-10

Type Description
Other MATRIX VISION mvBlueCOUGAR-XT is now Balluff BVS CA-GT.
Bugfix Fixed bug that prevented GEV Discovery ACKs from being sent after the camera switched from LLA address to DHCP address.
Bugfix TimestampReset command did not set the timestamp to 0 if the camera was in PTP slave mode before.
Feature Implemented mvCyclicSignal that can be used together with IEEE1588 (PTP) to synchronize image acquisition between cameras without additional cabling.
Feature Implemented Short Intervall Trigger for Sony IMXv4 sensors.
Bugfix Reduced the maximum temperatures allowed before the camera switches to over temperature mode. This is to avoid problems due to overheating memory chips.
Bugfix Pixel jitter could occur with mvGammaEnable = true.
Feature Action Command with Acknowledge support.
Feature New features TestPendingAck and TestEventGenerate in category TestControl for GigEVision V2.2.
Bugfix Fixed a bug in IMXv4 sensor control library that sometimes resulted missing images depending on AOI height.
Improvement Improved the SLVS-EC synchronization. Failed synchronization sometimes led to missing images.
Bugfix BVS CA-GT cameras no longer set the static LAG capability bit in the Physical Link Configuration Capability Register.

Release: 2.49.3198.0

Date: 2022-08-24

Type Description
Feature Initial firmware release for BVS CA-GT cameras using sensors of type Sony IMX487.
Behaviour The minimum width is now 624 (instead of 1216).
Improvement Optimized IEEE1588 PTPv2 Clock-Synchronization Algorithm for better Clock-Accuracy.
Bugfix Fixed a bug that could lead to missing frames when using Binning/Decimation with Color-Sensors.
Improvement All 64 bits of the I/O timestamps are now read from the hardware.
Bugfix Implemented the conversion of 80 bit IEEE1588 timestamps from/to 63 bit GeniCam timestamps according to the GigEVision specification.
Bugfix Fixed a bug in the synchronization code of the internal clocks that led to timestamp errors in PTP master mode.
Bugfix Fixed bug that caused the frame buffer to fill up very slowly when streaming with maximum speed.
Bugfix Fixed wrong sensor register values when switching to/from binning/decimation mode.
Bugfix Fixed bug that affects max. Framerate for Mono12p and Bayer12p Pixel-Formats.
Feature Added property mvDeviceFanEnable that allows the user to switch the fan on and off.
Improvement Upgraded version of filesystem.
Bugfix Fixed bug that in GEV packet size negotiation that could have lead to invalid packet sizes.
Feature Added support for Action Commands.
Bugfix Fixed bug that sometimes lead to missing frames after changing the image width/height.
Bugfix Fixed problems in digital I/O handling which could result in missing I/O events.
Bugfix Fixed bug that could lead to wrong over temperature events when using the camera in cold conditions.
Feature Added support for Defective Pixel Correction.

Release: 2.45.2900.0

Date: 2021-11-15

Type Description
Bugfix Fixed bug that led to unintentional pulses on IO lines during camera startup when working with UserSetDefault != Default.
Bugfix DeviceLinkHeartbeatTimeoutRegister can be read back after change now.
Feature The automatic white balance (AWB) has been improved concerning the behavior when all pixels are saturated. In this case nearly no color casts arise.
Bugfix Prevented overtriggering of the sensor due to inaccurracy in framerate calculation.
Bugfix Changing exposure time could stop auto exposure control.
Bugfix Maximum Framerate has not been adjusted when AEC was activated.
Bugfix Fixed bug when setting sensor registers (some registers were not set)
Bugfix Persitent IP is now checked for IP clashed before using it.
Bugfix The value of the GVSP packet size register is now rounded down to nearest valid value if an unsupported value has been written
Bugfix Fixed bug that prevented DHCP from being switched off completely
Bugfix Fixed bug in GenICam XML file
Bugfix Fixed bug that prevented device discovery using directed broadcasts after changing the subnet using FORCE_IP
Bugfix Corrected bug in frame rate calculation that occurred when binning/decimation was used and bit depth was changed afterwards
Feature Added binning/decimation support in FPGA
Bugfix Fixed bug that could lead to unstable framerates when using sensor binning/decimation
Bugfix Fixed bug that could lead to overtemperature state in case of negative temperatures
Bugfix Fixed bug that prevented acquisition of very small and fast images with IMX531
Feature Initial firmware release for BVS CA-GT cameras using sensors of type Sony IMX535, IMX536 or IMX537

Release: 2.42.2708.0

Date: 2021-06-07

Type Description
Feature Initial firmware release for BVS CA-GT cameras using sensors of type Sony IMX530, IMX531 or IMX532